Discipline with Love. Everyday solutions

For all those parents demanding solutions that are clear… and to the point! Rosa Barocio, the publishing house’s best-selling author, brings us a unique book full of practical solutions for day-to-day situations. In Discipline with Love. Everyday Solutions, Rosa explains hurtful attitudes and shows us new ways to set boundaries and to guide from a place of love. She also provides specific recommendations to help us distinguish between things that help children mature and things that don’t, between respectful and disrespectful approaches. Just the advice you need for each stage of your child’s development!

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Disciplina con amor
  • English

Sobre Rosa Barocio (Escritor)

  • Rosa Barocio
    Rosa Barocio buscó sensibilizarnos con sus conferencias y libros sobre la necesidad de una educación que integrara el desarrollo del intelecto con un corazón tolerante y compasivo. Fue maestra, licenciada en Educación y madre de dos hijos. Trabajó durante más de 30 años con niños... Ver más sobre el autor

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